Introducing our Smallest Circle!

We wouldn’t be offended if some of you thought we had met some sort of end as we’ve been non-existent on our online spaces for over a year now but we feel like we have a valid excuse this time!!  Since late 2017 we’ve been focused on a whole new chapter in our personal lives, our greatest adventure yet.  His name is Jasper Stearns and he was born on June 7th last year.  We think he is the most awesome person this universe has ever seen (#totallybiased) and we’ve been consumed in enjoying every moment of time with him since he joined the air-breathing segment of humanity.  It’s left us, however, with far less time to focus on our business.  But 2019 is a new year and we’re committed to getting back to work with and for all of you!  Have no fear, our cameras and our printers have decidedly NOT grown dusty.  Jasper might possibly be the most well-documented baby of all time!  We also did manage to squeeze in a photo shoot each month of the last year for our partners at Newton Neighbors Magazine and Best Version Media, shooting portraits for their monthly covers.  There is more to share about that in an upcoming post.  So for now – we’re here, we’re alive and full of joy!  Not just that but we are ready and eager to share in your lives and your joys and make records of them that will be meaningful for the generations to come!  So drop us a line!  We’ve been missing you! 
